Entrepreneur Ready
Unique self-assessment and coaching tool for aspiring entrepreneurs, supporting them to check their psychological, family, technical, commercial, and financial readiness.
Are you intrigued by these questions and many more? If so, then the “Entrepreneur Ready” self-assessment and coaching tool comes to aid with a novel, straightforward, in-depth, and ingenious way to advance with your business endeavour!
- How to choose the management style that fits my aspiration?
- Who shall I take as advisers and staff members to cover the management issues that I do not feel fully competent about?
- How shall I link my aspiration to be an entrepreneur with the type of business I opt for?
- Am I confident about the relevance of my analysis of the demand for your product / service?
- Are my market segmentation and pricing system very clear, and in line with the business channels, as well as the marketing plan?
- Am I clear about the image I aim to give to my business, and the way I shall communicate it?…
The “Entrepreneur Ready” self-assessment and coaching tool is providing a reliable compass, sound milestones, and the effective means to confirm the premises of your business!
Fill in the “Entrepreneur Ready” Quiz designed to help you find out how ready you are to start a business. The questionnaire will help you to check if your psychology, attitudes, value, and knowledge are currently fit for purpose. It should give you indication of what you might need to explore further or think about more to be ready for the job or put in place to build a sustainable and reliable organisation that will support your entrepreneurial dreams.
If you want to be contacted by one of the members of our team in relation with the next steps, do not forget to fill in your e-mail address at the end of the quiz.
We shall contact you indicating, based on your responses to the “Entrepreneur Ready” Quiz, which are the dimensions of readiness on which you should focus further, with the aim to strengthen them.
You will get access to one or more of the five in-depth self-assessment modules:
- Psychology and attitude
- Business knowledge and staff management
- Product or service and marketing strategy
- Production process
- Controls
This step will highlight the topics that you might have to think about more or further explore when drafting your business plan.
You will have access to individual coaching sessions provided by our team, encompassing well experienced professionals from various European countries, with track record in business advisory services. They are ready to deliver bespoke support for you in advancing towards accomplishing and performing in your entrepreneurial venture.

To start a business is an adventure and needs to be well prepared. Writing a business plan is not enough to succeed.
Christian Saublens

Being on our own feet as entrepreneurs is a way of life – truthful, autonomous, unpredictable, exceeding all expectations!
Raluca Cibu-Buzac

Perseverance and the right actions, with a touch of creativity, bring the achievement of your entrepreneurial dreams!
Bogdana Teglas

Entrepreneurs are playful while imagining their business, and sportive while carrying out the actual process.
Cristian Goția